Debt Collection & Recovery

MBB Litigation, we can handle a wide range of matters, including but not limited to:
Commercial Debt Collection: Assisting businesses in recovering outstanding debts owed to them by other businesses or individuals for goods or services provided.
Consumer Debt Collection: Helping individuals recover personal debts, including personal loans, and unpaid invoices.
Legal Demand Letters: Drafting and sending formal demand letters to debtors.
Negotiation and Settlement: Engaging in negotiation and settlement discussions with debtors to reach favorable payment arrangements, including structured settlements or payment plans that are suitable to client needs.
Litigation and Enforcement: Representing clients in debt collection lawsuits to obtain favorable judgments to satisfy the outstanding debt including the enforcement of fraudulent conveyance, motion for summary judgements or freezing of assets by way of Mareva injunction.
We can assist clients in enforcing judgments obtained through legal proceedings including examination in aid of execution, garnishment, Writ of execution and bankruptcy proceedings.
Asset Investigation: Conducting thorough investigations to identify debtor assets, sometimes through the engagement of forensic accountants and thus ensuring the best possible chance of recovery.
We pride ourselves on the recovery of debts efficiently, while minimizing financial losses. If you require assistance with debt collection and recovery, contact MBB Litigation today to schedule a consultation and discuss your debt collection needs and one of our experienced lawyers will personally contact you after a file is opened and a retainer is signed by the client.
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